2010年10月3日 星期日

Slim Down Government for a healthier America

All recalls the remark of HL Mencken "The urge to save humanity is almost always choose the wrong face for the urge of humanity." No one can seriously claim that t is the fact that obesity doesn 'for a little danger, a large number of unsubstantiated claims greatly exaggerated the health risks. For example, Mrs. Obama said that our common life downward spiral in the wake of Big Macs and Whoppers, so that "In fact, our average life expectancy (at birth) increased much more than a century, from 46.3 years for men and 48 . 3 years for women in 1900 to 75.1 for men and 80, 2 for women in 2006 Note also lost the remarkable decrease in employment in diseases related to obesity such as heart disease – a decrease of 31 percent – and cancer – a decline of 29 percent.
For all the talk of an "epidemic" of obesity in the United States can no longer hold, but remained constant in the last five years for men and nearly 10 years for women and children, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Perhaps the misconception of fat alarmists is that regulation will solve this problem. In reality, the government is a major cause of the footprint of the country more calories. Researchers have documented higher rates of obesity in food stamps recipients, even after controlling for socioeconomic status. And beneficiaries who remained in the program, the harder they are. Mrs. Obama also complained that the public schools for packing the pounds – and his campaign for more state control cafeterias instead of negligence.
The true causes of obesity has risen far above the influence of the government – unless or until the banning of all bureaucrats, low-calorie products and follow all of our meals. Not that he tried. The State of California and have in the cities of New York and Philadelphia using food restaurants banned oils contain trans fats. Proposals for soft drinks and other junk food are also accelerated tax. Current tasks FTC also raised the specter of federal against food advertising. Obviously ignores the agency officials to the fact that parents, children, control of the kitchen – is not this illegal in America – to varying degrees. When the children see a lot less food advertising than in the past, because of cable TV, digital video recorders, game consoles and the Internet.
With the launch of its campaign against obesity in February was the first lady refreshing openness about the limitations of the government – despite its recent actions. "There is no expert on this planet, that people in government, do very well to say no problem, s says, '" she said.
About the Author
Diane Katz is a researcher in the field of regulatory policy at the Heritage Foundation. www.heritage.org: Readers can the author in care of the Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20002, writing web site. Details of the heritage funding can be found in this test is McClatchy-Tribune News Service stands. McClatchy-Tribune does not subsidize the writing of this column are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of McClatchy-Tribune or its editors.

